Attention New Moms Who've Recently Had A
"Are You Feeling
Frustrated Or Hopeless About Trying To Lose Your Saggy Baby Belly And You Just Don't Know Where To
Turn For A Solution That Works... If So This May Be The Most Important Letter You
If You Do Decide To Use This Proven Weight Loss System For New Moms, Then You Really Could Be Proudly Showing Off Your Beautiful Baby AND New Sexy,
Firm Body In Just A Few Weeks From
But Don't Just Take My Word For It,
Read This Short Report Now To See Some Of The Results Other Ordinary Everyday Moms
Are Experiencing Too!
Dear new mom, mom
to be
If like many other
new moms you...
Don't worry, you are not alone.
Every new mom has to go through this stage and many will simply accept that
they've lost their figure forever.
Thinking that they'll never find a way to lose baby weight
or have any pride in their appearance again.
Simply accepting it's just part of the process...
...but it doesn't have to be.
if you
want to act right now…straight
away, to take back control of your body, lose your baby
weight and regain your self esteem, all in just minutes
a day, then this could be by far the most important letter you will ever
Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To

My name is Jago Holmes, CPT.
I am a fully qualified and experienced personal trainer who
has been lucky enough to have worked with hundreds of new moms over the last 10
I've discovered and developed a 100% guaranteed system through working with my clients which
will help any new mom whatever shape or size
they are to lose baby weight quickly and from the comfort of their own
In order for you to lose baby
weight safely after your pregnancy, the normal rules of weight loss
simply don't apply.
I've discovered
a way that enables you to turn on your body’s pregnancy fat burning
furnace, in a way that fits in to a busy new moms
Without taking time away from the care of your
It's taken me over 2 years to
create, hone and perfect this
system that helps you to instantly lose baby weight and flatten your baby
learned from my client’s successes and their failures, so that
you don’t have to. It's all been done for you.
Many of these clients had very little time or the motivation to do anything about their situation.
I knew the problems they were having but
never really understood it...
...until Ruth, my partner went through the same
As a personal trainer, my job
is to educate new moms and teach them safe and effective ways to lose baby
weight in a way that doesn't affect their caring for a new baby.
New moms need a time saving strategy that at the same time
helps to firm and tone their body so they regain self confidence all through a
unique way of eating, exercising and being active.
It's something I have done for years and I have learned so
much during this time about what works and what definitely
I wanted to help all new moms that needed my help to lose
baby weight and tighten their baby belly quickly and easily.
But This Wasn't The Real Reason I Created This Program To Help New
Moms To Lose Baby Weight...
The real reason I
created ‘The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan’, a weight loss system specifically for new moms,
was much closer to home…
Let me tell you
all about it...
Four years ago my
partner, Ruth and I had our first child – Megan. She was born with no real difficulties and was a
healthy 6lbs 7oz's.
Ruth didn’t
experience many problems throughout her pregnancy other than the expected weight gain.
Now Ruth had
always been quite slim up to the point of getting pregnant, but through her pregnancy gained a lot
of weight and she came to despise the way she
Being a personal trainer you would've
thought I was the perfect person to help her…but
think again.
It’s a bit like
your dad teaching you to drive, it very rarely works out and often leads to arguments, tension and
bitterness, so much so that I had to step back and leave Ruth to her own devices.
Because of this,
the relationship struggled along for a while and Ruth didn’t manage to lose the baby
weight she'd gained throughout her pregnancy, eventually
she stopped trying and accepted that this would be her new shape and size and we
just went along as we had before for a while.
I always knew that
Ruth wanted children, but I thought she was happy with just having Megan, I didn’t really want to
go through having another baby myself although I did like the idea of Megan having a sister, to
play with and grow up together.
After a couple of
years when Megan became much easier to care for we decided that we would try for another baby, and
Ruth got pregnant, we were delighted, or at least I thought
we were...
But There Was Something Troubling Ruth, Something
That Played On Her Mind Constantly...
And that was
If she had one
baby and changed shape so much throughout that pregnancy, how would she look after having to go
through another pregnancy again and THIS
TIME in her mid thirties?
This caused her a great
deal of distress and concern, she hated her flabby stomach and didn’t really like her
figure after having just one baby and she new that she would definitely gain more weight
after having another.
She didn’t know anybody who'd managed to lose baby
weight and look good after having children and it just seemed expected that she would be
the same.
At the end of the pregnancy she had
come to despise the way she looked…she told me that she felt and looked
frumpy and that she couldn't stand her new baby belly…this made her bad
tempered and put a strain on our relationship.
She intentionally
covered herself up with clothes that hid her
shape, baggy t shirts, the most ridiculous track suit
bottoms and huge jumpers.
Even though the
last time I tried to help it nearly ended in us hating each other, she wanted and needed my help badly this
...our relationship depended on it!
I knew what Ruth
needed to do to get back in to shape, in fact I could guarantee I could provide
her with a solution to lose baby weight in as little as 8 weeks, as I had for hundreds of
other women.
The only problem
was it would never have worked if I had tried to work with her in person again, we would've
ended up falling out for good this time.
I Needed To
Find A Way Of Helping Her To Lose Baby Weight That Didn’t Require Me Training And
Motivating Her Myself...
So I created an entire program for her to use, without me being there, that
included a unique post pregnancy diet and a specially designed exercise plan that she could use to
start getting rid of her baby belly straight away, one she could just follow and
that fitted in to her new moms daily
lifestyle of feeding, changing and caring for
our new baby.
Within days of starting the program she
began getting compliments of “How well she looked” and comments of “WHEN did you have your baby” in
She went from near
depression at being the shape she was before starting the program to brimming with confidence and glowing with pride over losing
her baby belly, her new figure and our beautiful new baby.
"Like many new moms I had to contend with a new baby, a small
child, family and work to juggle in just 24 hours a
I hated the way my new pregnancy
belly looked and I was desperate to get back in to some sort of shape. I had no
idea how I could find the time or energy to do anything about it?
I have to admit it, before I had Tamzin I was really
worried. I didn't know how I would I get back in to shape afterwards, I was
huge and after all, this was our second child and I was 34 years old. I was plagued
with back ache and to be honest I really didn't know how I would regain my
weight spiralled and the migraines I had became an ever increasing problem, having
at least one a week and I felt an overwhelming tiredness. I was
Within days of starting the
program I was getting compliments of "How well I Looked" and comments of "When did
you have your baby" in disbelief. Within 2 weeks I was back in to my old clothes. People who were
expecting to see a wreck..were amazed at the
way I looked. I had it all under control and I felt great.
I felt incredible and have done
ever since.
I thought losing my baby belly
and the weight I'd gained would be such a wrench and a challenge I wouldn't be able
to meet, instead it became something I loved and it transformed my
Ruth Powell
pictured above, before and after 8 weeks.
Click here to see Ruths
If You're A New Mom Who Doesn't Like
Your New Body Shape and Wants To Lose Baby Weight Fast, But Can't Seem To Find The
Time, The Motivation Or Energy To Do Anything About it
You Are Not
- Millions of new moms mistakenly
do hundreds of sit ups a day only
to find months later that they have actually made matters worse and got a rounded pot
belly for their
- Every new mom finds it difficult to find the
time to do anything other than caring
for their new baby and looking after the basics of life during the first few weeks, never
mind spending hours exercising a week, it simply isn't an
It's usual to have really low energy levels and feel lethargic just
after having a new baby, it's a
hugely draining and demanding experience, but the more you rest and take it easy, the
worse you feel, everything is an effort.
- Many new moms find it hard to come to terms
with their new shape and appearance, often
they have inherited a body shape so different to anything they have had
before, through no fault of their own.
No I Had A Much More Personal Reason For Doing
Time For Feeding Your Baby, For Changing And Just Taking Care Of Every
Day Household Tasks...
One Of THE Hardest Things For Any New Mom To Manage Is The Lack Of
The Hours Blend In To One And The Days Flash By Leaving You Wondering
Where The Last Few Weeks Have
Leaving the house can take hours to prepare
for with all the accessories needed
for a simple trip out, you end up looking like you are leaving for a holiday, never
mind just nipping to the grocery store.
It's usually very difficult
to get in to a routine with a new baby, you
don't know when they'll sleep, eat and need changing, you need to be available all the are literally on call 24 hours a day.
You May Have Gained A Lot Of Extra Body Fat Over The Last 9 Months And It's Quite
Possible That You Weigh More Now Than Ever Before In Your
Your Baby Belly And
This Extra Padding Can Leave You Feeling Tired, Fed Up
And Self Conscious About The New Lumps And Bumps Clinging To Your
If you've spent years trying
one diet after another but
never managed to get in shape without living like a nun, trying to lose baby
weight like that now is definitely not the solution, it could lead to a
lifetime battle against obesity.
Many new moms find it
difficult to eat properly when their
baby is very young, the time it takes to prepare fancy meals and snacks just isn't
available and as a result they turn to quick, convenience foods which only help
to further inflate their baby belly and
add on more extra pounds and
It can
take a lot of getting used to your new post pregnancy shape. If you've never had them
before, it's not easy to accept the jellified baby belly,
flabby thighs and sagging bottom.
For many women this is the first time in their lives they've felt this way,
unfortunately most of them will just accept their fate
and live the rest of their lives in
a body they loathe.
after giving birth many moms radically cut calories in a desperate attempt to lose baby
weight. But this could cause
deficiencies in your diet making it
harder for you to lose weight and leading to poor milk quality, meaning your baby might
not be getting the vitamins and minerals he or she needs.
It's Often Very Difficult To Summon Up The Energy To Do
Anything In The First Few Days, You Feel Tired So You Take It Easy, You Feel
Drained So You Eat For
Nothing You Do Seems To Give You That Boost, Little Do You Know
Your Actions Are Actually MAKING THE PROBLEM EVEN
with a new baby can be hard enough, but coping on the bare minimum of sleep is harder
still. You often end up feeling
exhausted, and never get the chance to
recharge your batteries or spend any time on yourself, leaving you feeling
When you
are tired, little things can build up in to huge problems, you lose patience quickly
and can become irritable at the slightest thing, your new body shape constantly
plays on your mind, everyone around you suffers.
Breastfeeding can be very draining and tiring especially when you are
on call for 24 hours a day during the first few weeks, it can be very difficult to get
any sort of routine going, leaving you feeling guilty for neglecting the other things
around you.
Whether You Gave Birth Naturally Or By C
Section Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Will Be Very Weak And Without Taking Immediate Action
May Never Be The Same
Simple Things Like Just Holding On For A Wee Can Be A
Huge Challenge!
- Weakened
pelvic floor muscles can easily lead to embarrassing accidents, a simple cough can leave you wetting yourself because your pelvic
floor isn't strong enough to hold on.
- Laughing can cause even more embarrassment,
potentially breaking wind uncontrollably!
- Many
women lose any sensation during sex for many months because they haven't spent any time strengthening these important
muscles. Sex for many will never be the same again, a problem which can easily be fixed with the right
- Few women are comfortable discussing these
intimate problems and as a result never seek
advice or learn what they need to do to strengthen the pelvic
floor. Some suffer years of anguish and
Many Women Mistakenly
Think That They'll Lose Baby Weight Instantly
And Be Able To Fit Back In To Their Pre Pregnancy Clothes Straight Away By Doing Absolutely
Nothing And That The Fat Covering Their Body Will Just Melt
It's true that
after pregnancy the body is primed to lose baby weight quickly, but it doesn't
happen automatically, just waiting hopefully isn't enough, you have to work with your body and not against it.
- You will
inevitably be left with a layer of crinkly
rubber like body fat covering your new baby belly after giving
birth which wobbles as you move, giving you a constant reminder of your new appearance.
This can easily become a permanent feature if you just
blank it from your mind!
- When you put on your favourite trousers, jeans or
skirts you are usually left with an unattractive overhang where your baby belly keeps popping out, despite
your best efforts to keep it hidden.
- A regular
dosing of sit ups or crunches in the early stages really can be like closing the door on
your flat toned stomach forever, never to be
seen again. SIT UPS are about THE
worst exercise new moms can do if
you're trying to lose baby weight and flatten your
tummy, guaranteed to leave you with a rounded pot belly that you will never be able
to flatten!
- Many women make the mistake of accepting that
the fat they're still carrying on their stomach is there for good, this
can lead to major postural
problems, and a potential lifetime
of lower back
- Our stomach muscles provide support and stability
to the whole body, but especially the spine. Leaving these muscles weak after pregnancy can seriously limit the
amount of things you can comfortably and safely
There Are Few Things In Life More Painful
And Debilitating Than Lower Back Pain, Just Sitting Down In A Comfortable Position Can
Be An Almost Impossible Task...
Coping With The Constant Dull Ache And
Occasional Sharp Shooting Pains Can Lead To Serious Mood Swings and
If you suffer from pregnancy
back pain, most mornings start by
getting out of bed with a cautious straightening and stooping performance, nervously
waiting for the painful twinges or the debilitating rocket of intense pain, that leaves
you gasping for breathe.
of your weak baby belly and lower back muscles, simply getting out of a
chair can feel like a huge challenge, leaving you needing a few moments to adjust and
loosen up before tentatively moving off!
Lifting and carrying your new baby can become a real
challenge, not to mention putting in and
taking out of car seats. With weak back muscles,
regular lifting, twisting and bending means a serious injury is only moments
name is Charlotte Dawson and I run a physiotherapy practice called ‘Back to
Fitness Physiotherapy’. For the past three years, I have had the pleasure of working
alongside Jago and his team of personal trainers at New Image Personal
I have almost ten years experience as a physiotherapist and
have worked in a wide variety of clinical settings before specialising in the
treatment of musculoskeletal conditions (muscle pulls, back pain, tennis
elbow etc). For a period of time I worked in the field of obstetrics
and gynaecology and treated women both prenatally and postnatally, so seeing
women after a caesarean section was a regular
I was very interested to read Jago's
book and I must say I was very impressed...
With a little mouth to feed, nappy to
change, home to look after etc. women can place themselves low on their priority
list and all their good intentions of doing their pelvic floor exercises and
gentle tummy exercises can go out of the window. This is where I think Jago's informative book comes into its
As a physiotherapist, I cannot begin
to state strongly enough how important your tummy muscles are in looking after
your low back. If your tummy muscles
are strong, they hold the lower back in a stable position and this then gives
the rest of the spine a stable foundation to sit on top
of. Most post natal back pain is as a
result of the laxity in the ligaments around the spine and pelvis, causing poor
posture. Plus a lot of what you do as a new mum involves bending forward
(changing the baby, picking up the baby, breast feeding etc) and this puts a lot
of strain on the low back.
By following Jago's sensible approach
to exercise outlined in this book, you will not only tone up but also protect
your back and prevent further injuries."
Charlotte Dawson MCSP
BSc (Hons)
Back to Fitness
Miss This Window Of Opportunity, Do The Wrong Things
Now And You might As Well Get Used To Seeing A Pot Belly Every Time You Look At Your
Unfortunately the truth of this is that by leaving
your recovery to chance, by not taking action now to lose baby weight and follow a specific
weight loss system for new moms, your hopes of ever
getting rid of your baby belly and having a flat stomach or a body you can be really
proud of may be disappearing in to the distance.
But there is a
I have spent the
last few years researching and testing this solution. I have found the quickest way for new moms to lose baby weight and
burn away their baby fat and get in to great shape.
I wanted to make
sure that both Ruth and my own clients were guaranteed
to see results in rapid time.
So I created a system called 'The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan' - a unique weight loss
plan for new moms which includes a specially designed diet suitable for breastfeeding moms that
allows you to lose baby weight at the same time as providing the best quality milk
possible for your baby.
The system also includes a great activity guide and simple
exercise plan that's easy to do, takes just a few minutes a day that also teaches you exactly
how to lose baby weight and tummy fat to tone up your whole body in the
comfort of your own home, allowing you
Lose baby weight - FAST
Reclaim the body you once had, or wished you
Tone and flatten your baby
belly in just minutes a
Firm up and tone your legs, hips and
Tighten and repair your pelvic floor
Melt away cellulite seemingly
Banish crippling back pain forever
With your new
found energy and confidence caring for your family will seem a breeze and you'll
feel more patient and relaxed about the whole situation.

"After having two babies, both by c-section, I felt like I
needed some guidance and direction to get my body back in shape, particularly
my baby belly.
I’d tried various workout DVD’s and diet plans but couldn’t
get into a routine with any of them and became de-motivated and gave
Within 6 weeks of following the plan I found that every aspect
of my body shape had dramatically
improved. I started to become toned and had definition
The plan was easy to fit into my daily life. The exercises
focusing on my tummy were basic yet the results through regularly doing them
were literally amazing and incredibly
I also found the advice on diet, health and general fitness
activity was extremely beneficial and helped to keep me
I’ve found the whole experience completely uplifting
and it has given me the chance to fully enjoy being me again and not a
Mummy with a big tummy!
Kate, Halifax
 "When I saw the programme, my initial thoughts
were I would never be able to find the time... and that I would not be able to
stick to the diet - where would I get my energy from?
However, I felt so out
of shape and not myself that I decided to give it a try. I started by writing
down my measurements and a plan for when I would do the exercises each
After a couple of days
of sticking to the plan, I found that I was in the habit of doing so and started
noticing a difference after a couple of weeks.
In 8 weeks I have
lost 5 inches off my waist and hips and have lost over a stone in
I am now back to the size and shape I was when I got
married 6 years ago!
I feel great and
healthy and I have loads of energy to keep up with my 2
boys! I am so
delighted that I found this program as I feel like myself again after 4 years
and 2 pregnancies.
Thanks again for
doing the program, it really is brilliant and loads of women will benefit from
it. I am certainly telling all my friends about it!
All the best for the
Thank you
Roisin O Conaire,
"I feel
really happy at this time in my life, I have the energy to play with my children, my
husband loves the new healthier me.
I would advise any new mum to embrace the whole
experience. Don't look upon it as something to be endured, but rather something to
be enjoyed. Make sure you decide on your exercise times for the week ahead and
stick to them, and if possible exercise with someone else, you’re more likely to do
it if someone else is relying on you. Finally, don't beat yourself up if you have
bad days. Every day is a new start, you will get to where you want to be in the end
with a little determination, just enjoy the journey".
Have A Look At Some Of The Tips And
Techniques You’ll Learn Inside ‘The Baby
Belly Fat Loss Plan’
A step
by step post pregnancy eating system that includes shopping lists and daily menus,
leaving you to eat on auto pilot, no need to worry about what you're going to eat, it's
all been planned out for you, it couldn't be easier!
Over The Next Few Weeks May Be The Best
Opportunity You’ll Ever Have To Lose Baby
You'll Work With Your Hormones, Banish Your
Baby Belly And Change Your Body’s Shape Beyond All
Forget the latest celebrity diet or quick fix weight loss formula,
these just don’t work, you won't lose
baby weight and they'll leave you storing more fat than before and feeling more depressed than
For anything to work it has to be something that can be blended in to your
lifestyle. It's important to follow a system of eating that leaves you feeling full, provides you with the right nutrients to
breastfeed your baby, but also allows you to have occasional treats.
Healthy living is all about getting the
right balance, no one wants to eat nothing but bland foods all day long, we want taste and flavour
and to enjoy what we eat.
Look what else you'll
learn in The Baby Belly
Fat Loss
Plan :
A range of fabulous recipes to help you lose baby weight which
are easy and quick to prepare, tasty and very nutritious, leaving
you feeling fuller for longer, avoiding snacking on sweets, biscuits or
My New
System Shows You
Exactly How To Balance Caring For Your Beautiful New Baby, Lose Baby Weight And
Banish Your Baby Belly, Giving You Loads More Energy In Just Minutes A
So You Can Get Rid Of Those Baggy Jumpers And Elasticated
Trousers And Skirts And Feel Proud Of Your New
This is why ‘The
Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan’ is unlike any
other weight loss program out
You’ll see results
within days!
Your body is an
amazing piece of machinery and it has the ability to repair itself quickly and dramatically after
the trauma of pregnancy and childbirth. But you must work with your body, that’s why my system is
designed just for new moms.
You’ll get rid of your
baby belly forever. By following a simple plan that I've designed to
lose baby weight within days, losing the weight after having a baby isn’t luck
anymore…it is a
You’ll get back in to the shape you were before you were pregnant
or better. Despite the fact
that most women never really lose their baby weight or return to good
shape after having children, you’ll have in your possession all the tools you need to
‘beat the system’ and be one of the
gorgeous moms others admire instead of one of the frumpy ones, others feel sorry
You will get your fitness
back in rapid time, by following a simple but structured system to
lose baby weight designed for new moms. Instead of spending hours
doing boring cardio (yeah right!, how many new moms have that sort of time to spend on
themselves) you’ll learn techniques and simple exercises in a fraction of the time that you
can do with your baby.
Because you’ll
learn the secret eating system my clients use
to lose baby weight and blast their fat stores in record time, without resorting
to crash diets, slimming pills or energy zapping milkshakes, you'll feel healthier
and have loads more energy making you a better, more patient and caring mom.
whole family will
benefit when you use my new eating system, it’s quick, easy and provides you
and your family with exactly the right nutrients and vitamins each day.
In the glossy
magazines you’ll read how celebrities lose baby weight by 'starving themselves' or eating
nothing but 'apples' and how you should read on and do the same.
these stories are not helping you out at all, they are just stories that create interest and
sell magazines, the publishers of these magazines
have little concern for the damage they cause when everyday women try these techniques out on
The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan Isn't A Fad Diet Or An Off The Wall
Exercise Regime...
It's A Safe And Effective System Designed To Help New
Moms Lose Baby Weight, That You Can Start Within Days Of Giving Birth. It's A
Program That I GUARANTEE Will Work For
And look here are some
more of the things you will discover when you order your copy of my superb NEW system:
Why some
activities you do before you are pregnant and just take for granted are absolutely
essential to avoid after giving birth, because of the stress they
place on your weakened muscles and joints. They can lead to loose joints and poor
posture, even though the very reason these exercises are taught is to avoid
The 4 most important tummy tightening exercises ever invented,
guaranteed to tighten and firm your baby belly, all shown in clear photographs
with easy to follow instructions, so you can follow along, confident that you are doing
them right.
"My name is
Cassie Barker and I am 21 years old.
have always been heavy for my age, I constantly tried to diet but to no
avail, and only ever seemed to put weight on. I never believed that I could
actually lose weight and be the shape I wanted to be.
evidently couldn’t lose weight by myself and so I needed some help. I
immediately began to feel the effects as I started to lose weight. I started
to exercise every day and really began to enjoy the feeling of being in
control of losing weight, it was something I never thought I would be able to
12 weeks, I have lost 24lbs, 11cm off my waist and 8 cm off my hips, which I
am incredibly pleased about. I cannot believe I have managed to do it. I
still want to lose more weight and hopefully get down to a size 12, however
the most important thing is that I now know I can lose weight and, because my
confidence and self belief is beginning to increase, that with a little extra
work I will get down to where I want to be!"
Cassie, York
"After giving birth
to a premature baby in June and my baby having to spend 2 months in hospital,
the last thing I had been thinking about was how to lose my baby weight
and claim my body back.
Take aways and snacks on the go were becoming more of a
routine. Once my baby was home, it was time for me to face the truth. I didn't
like looking at myself, and the prospect of buying clothes for myself filled me
with dread.
knew I needed to do something but was unsure how I was going to combine healthy
eating, exercise and 2 children.
After seeing the programme, I felt confident that the eating
and exercise plan would help me lose weight, but also support and help my body
recover from the pregnancy.
eating plan was very easy to follow. All meals were simple and easy to prepare,
which of course is essential when you are on the go with a baby. Some meals can
be prepared in advance, such as the homemade soups, which have been really
tasty. Non of the foods on the plan, were expensive 'diet' products. It was just
simple, but tasty healthy eating.
exercise plan was really easy. I thoroughly enjoyed going for a walk everyday
with my baby. It even gave me the confidence to rejoin the gym. I also saw my
fitness levels increase, which made me feel so much better about
would recommend the programme to any new mum, its realistic and more of a way of
life now rather than a programme".
Emma, West
Emma lost 17lbs, 12cm off
her stomach and 11cm off her hips in just under 8 weeks, just by following the
'Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan.'
The Reason Why My Program Will Work For
Pregnancy takes it
out of your body totally, you'll often be left with back problems a saggy baby
belly, weak pelvic floor and usually loads of extra weight and if you don’t act quickly
these problems will only get worse. Your
looks take a back seat, your fitness suffers and you lose any self confidence you ever had.
You may have to wait years to
lose the baby weight and regain your figure if you don’t take
action immediately.
This system
tackles all of these problems in one go, you will: -
Lose baby weight by burning your
pregnancy fat quickly
Eliminate back
Flatten and firm your baby
belly in just weeks
Gain loads of
Learn an easy way of eating and
exercising that you can continue for years
Recover from the birth in rapid
Gain back your self confidence and
start liking the way you look again
But the
#1 reason why this system works is that it is
designed specifically
for new moms, by someone who has had the experience of working with many
different women from all walks of life and with many different time and family issues.
I know what works, I have tested this system on hundreds of
clients so you don’t have to work it out for yourself.
Just To Summarize, 'The Baby
Belly Fat Loss Plan' Gives You All This...
A weight loss
plan that fits easily in to your baby care schedule
Doing just a few
'easy to do' exercises which take only minutes a day, designed to fit around feeding,
changing and won’t even break in to a sweat doing the simple tummy tightening
Quick workouts
you can do at home
By doing the
workouts from home you'll avoid having to worry about getting across town to your nearest gym,
other sweaty gym users or paying for a gym membership which you just won’t get the value out of at
the moment. And what about
baby care? You can’t leave your baby with just anyone at this age!
A unique, low
intensity activity plan that reduce stress and anxiety
boosting your body’s own production of feel good hormones…you can lose baby weight and beat
the baby blues head on. Really enjoy your baby...without
feeling tired or irritable…having the energy to care for yourself, your baby and your family. By
following this simple activity plan you'll feel great and
energized every day, able to cope with the stresses that most new mothers
eating plan that allows you to ditch the maternity wear NOW instead of waiting
new moms hang on to their pregnancy clothes far too long. Once you've had your baby, you CAN
lose baby weight fast. By following this unique and effective eating plan designed to
shed weight quickly you'll be amazed at how fast your baby belly
You’ll never
once feel hungry
Because ‘The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan’
uses a unique eating system which constantly nourishes your body, you’ll never once feel hungry and often actually eat more than you
would've eaten before, at the same time as quickly losing weight.
Learn long term weight
loss strategies
Everything you
learn on this system will stay with you forever, this isn’t just a way to lose baby
weight…you'll be able to use the recipes, shopping lists, menus and diet sheets throughout
the rest of your life.
Step by step
'The Baby
Belly Fat Loss Plan' is a complete road
map to recovering and losing weight after having your baby, you don’t need to plan
anything, it’s all done for you. Simply follow the instructions each day…how many new moms have the
time to start planning their own weight loss program and study which foods are best to eat to boost
fat loss?
This isn’t just
a typical workout plan
This is an entire
pregnancy recovery and fat loss package for new moms which ensures that your recovery is SAFE
and complete. Generic weight
loss programs just aren’t suitable for new moms, there is a specific series of exercises and
techniques you simply must follow if you want to ever lose your baby
weight and have a flat and toned stomach again instead of a wobbly, flabby baby belly,
and this system will teach you all of these.
But Wait, There's Even More, You'll Also
Discover How To...
Do essential
tummy tightening exercises
This system
focuses around losing your baby belly fat and tightening your stomach muscles. The
pelvic tilting exercises you’ll learn are the SECRET to firming and flattening your tummy,
not doing these could lead to
having a rounded pot baby belly for the rest of your days.
Rebuild your
self confidence
You don’t need to
wait months or even years to start getting back in to shape. I have designed this plan so that
literally any new mom can do it straight after birth, whether you've given birth naturally or via c
section. Once you begin to lose baby weight fast and your stomach starts
firming up, your confidence will get a massive boost, and after 9 long months, you’ll start liking
the way you look again.
Lose fat without doing
long, boring workouts
This system works
with your body at a time when you are in a very fragile state. All the activities and exercises are
specifically for post pregnancy women who
want to lose baby weight quickly but don’t have the time or quite
frankly the inclination to spend hours a day exercising.
Get rid of back
One of the most
common complaints new moms have is constant back pain. This system teaches you vital postural
exercises which will eliminate back pain within days instead of months.
Quickly shed
your pregnancy pounds
Boost your metabolic rate so you burn
calories even at rest, whilst actually eating more. Learn secret personal training diet tips to
help you eat more AND lose baby weight really, really quickly. This unique eating
plan really is the key to losing your baby belly fast, you’ll find it easy to follow, and
everything you need is planned out for you.
Flatten your stomach in just minutes a
you can get in to your old clothes in lightning speed. The simple exercises you’ll learn to do
which flatten your baby belly, take just a few minutes to do, are easy to follow,
don't involve getting sweaty or tired and
will fit easily in to your daily routine.
Reinvent your
sex life
You’ll discover and learn how to do essential
pelvic floor exercises that help to speed up your recovery, that increase sensation and
confidence so that when you are ready to have sex again your body is also ready and
Avoid doing sit
ups or crunches
You’ll learn which exercises to do that are
both safe and effective and why doing sit ups may be the most disastrous thing you
can do until your stomach has realigned…and why it’s almost guaranteed to give you a
rounded, domed baby belly forever.
Lose weight
without fad dieting
Busy new moms
don’t have time to spend hours each day preparing complex foods, they need quick but NUTRITIOUS
meals that are fast and easy and this system teaches you exactly how you to do just
Be active by
gently exercising, so that any mom can do it!
Based around
fitness walking any mom can do this type of short and invigorating exercise, but the best thing is,
I've designed this so your baby can be involved too. Following this plan ensures that you'll
lose baby weight by burning fat all day long, even when you're
But How Much Does 'The Baby
Belly Fat Loss Plan' Cost?
Well initially I
was going to offer this system as a physically shipped product for around $145.00.
It took me over 2 years
to research, perfect the system and put it together, I have worked night and day
for months to get this just right.
But even though
this is still much less than you would expect to pay for having a personal trainer to call out to
your house for 8 weeks which would cost you in the region of
at least $1,125.00.
I thought that
a price of $145.00 might take it out of reach of most everyday moms.
So Here's What I Decided To
Since shipping and
printing is a huge expense for me, I’ve decided to offer 'The Baby Belly Fat Loss
Plan' at a deeply discounted rate of just $75.99 $29.99, but as a
downloadable eBook package instead, so it doesn’t cost me anything to produce and
you'll have access to it
You Pay Just $29.99 For All
And YES, this
A detailed 30
page comprehensive activity ebook
manual, which contains
essential information and
an easy to follow, detailed formula of exactly how to lose baby weight fast,
what to do and when to do it...don't leave your recovery to chance, take action by following
these simple and quick steps to banish your baby
belly forever and lose your pregnancy weight
As well as a full
activity plan which will help you to shed your pregnancy weight, you'll also discover:
And much, much
 An easy to follow, ‘take the
guesswork out of it' 30 page automated post pregnancy
This manual is designed to help new moms
lose baby weight fast. It contains some great tasting meals, easy to
follow menus, shopping lists and quick snack choices in a day by day
The diet ensures that you are feeding your
body the right types and correct amount of foods essential for producing plenty of
quality milk at the same time as boosting fat loss beyond
Your total recovery and rapid return
to shape depends so much on the foods you eat and the choices you
You'll find clear and easy to
follow instructions on how to follow this unique
diet for new moms and essential do's and don'ts of eating after
And if that’s not
If you order now
I’ll also include these superb bonuses absolutely FREE: -
#1 (worth $19.99) - order now to receive
this eBook completely FREE - 'How to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor in Just Minutes a
A complete step by
step, instructional BONUS guide that takes you through essential pelvic floor techniques
to quickly and safely return your pelvic floor to its normal
These simple exercises are quick to do, take a minimum of
effort, can be done anywhere and can be completed in just minutes a
Discover exactly which exercises you need to do, how often and
when to do them so you quickly notice a difference and avoid embarrassing

#2 (worth
$26.99) - order now
and you'll receive this superb NEW eBook completely FREE - 'The Essential Guide to Exercising After a
In this
comprehensive guide to c
section recovery you'll learn all about the risks and benefits of giving birth
via a caesarean section, including essential tips on how to care for your wound and
monitor your own scar for bleeding and any other
discover a range of simple exercises designed to help avoid potential life threatening
embolisms and why doing certain exercises can quickly flatten your baby belly and
boost your body's own ability to recover quickly without the risk of potential long term

#3 (worth $11.99) - order now and you'll also receive this
eBook completely FREE - 'How to Boost Your
Inside you'll learn how absolutely anyone can
instantly boost their metabolism by making just 3 SIMPLE changes to their
ways to lose baby weight and
burn calories even at rest and why
doing some exercises will leave you feeling
frustrated at your body's ability to melt away body
You will learn the secrets to eating more and
weighing less, how some people never seem to gain weight whilst others will always have a
weight problem.
 BONUS #4 (worth $11.99) - order now and
you'll also receive this
eBook completely FREE - 'Healthy Smoothies for Rapid Weight Loss'
Discover over 50 of the most
mouthwatering smoothies ever created. Recipes that contain some of the quickest and easy
to make nutritious drinks made in just a few minutes.
All the recipes have been selected because of
their healthy balance as well for the combination of flavours and
These smoothies are low in fat but also very high
in taste!
#5 (worth $22.99) - Order now and you'll
also receive this eBook completely FREE - 'Baby Safety
This handy guide tells you everything you need to know about how
to keep your baby safe. This truly is a one of a kind eBook that you won't find in any
A complete step by step
manual which walks you through all the potential hazards of the home and garden, enabling
you to take all reasonable precautions to avoid disasters and injuries to your beautiful new
Think your home is a safe place for a baby? You'll be
shocked at what you will learn inside this great baby
safety manual.
#6 (worth
$17.99) - order now
and you'll receive this superb NEW eBook completely FREE - 'Healthy Soups For Healthy
In this
great little eBook you'll find over 20 tasty and nutritious recipes ideal for helping you to
lose baby weight, which are both easy and quick to prepare...exactly what
you need when time is short and you are caring for a new
recipes have been chosen for their taste but also for their nutritional value,
majority of the soups are low in fat and high in vitamins and
recipe comes complete with its own nutritional breakdown
#7 (worth $22.99) - order now and you'll also receive this
eBook completely FREE - 'Glycemic 101 - How To Effortlessly Control Your Glycemic
Inside you'll discover exactly how to eat
correctly, to support and maintain healthy blood sugar levels and how the peaks and
troughs in your blood sugar can leave you craving the worst types of junk
You'll learn why using the Glycemic index as your
guide to choosing food could dramatically reduce your risk of suffering from diabetes, high
cholesterol and heart disease.
And finally you can gain control of your weight
forever, so you can choose your own dress size, say goodbye to your baby
belly and maintain that shape for the rest of your
100% RISK-FREE Money Back
Your Purchase
Is Fully Guaranteed By
Clickbanks Refund Policy
I really want you to be 100% satisfied
with 'The Baby Belly Fat Loss PLan', so let me remove any doubt from your
Order today and actually follow my action
plan and dietary advice for
60 days, if you're not convinced this system will help you to
lose baby weight fast
and is not worth every
single penny, just send me an email requesting a refund and I
will refund 100% of your money - straight away!
No Questions Asked!
If you're not
satisfied that the ‘The
Baby Belly Fat
Loss Plan’ offers you absolutely everything you need to lose your baby weight
and tighten and firm your baby
belly, simply request a full refund any time in the
next 60 days. I am proud to offer you a no-hassle, 60 day money back
guarantee. I don’t want you to pay for something that you don’t feel is worth the
And if you DO decide to return
the program for any reason whatsoever I want you to keep all of the special
bonuses (worth $134.93) as my way of saying "Thanks for trying it

QUESTIONS…no gimmicky rules or
You don’t have to explain why you
don’t want this package or produce
evidence that you’ve tried the system out, NOTHING!
Remember, I'm so
confident that this program will teach you everything you need to
know so you can quickly and easily lose baby weight and get in to great shape
after pregnancy, I‘ve spent years building up the knowledge that has gone in to this system. I
absolutely insist that you send the program back to me for a full refund if you don't
think it's right for you.
All you have to do
to place your order is click on the link below, follow the simple instructions and you will
receive it within the next few minutes as a digital downloadable eBook system.
I promise within days of following my system you will be amazed at how
quickly you lose baby weight and flatten your tummy, literally before your
Click On the 'Order Now'
Button To Start Taking Control of Your Body

It’s confusing and frustrating
searching for the best ways to lose baby weight, that don't involve a huge
effort on your part.
You'll get so many mixed messages
and different advice from so many different people.
But you can relax you've found your solution...this
I have created
this unique system to quickly lose baby weight which is based on my
years of experience, research and real life working in the trenches knowledge based on the findings
I've had with my private 1 to 1 clients. I have tested this on them and perfected it before
releasing it to you. This is
the reason why I'm happy to offer such a generous, iron clad, 100% money back
Yours Sincerely
Holmes, CPT
Author of ‘The Baby Belly Fat Loss
Well It’s Over To
this information can be yours immediately for just
Simply click below and you will be taken
to our secure order page. Follow the easy instructions from there to download these superb
P.S. Please remember there's absolutely NO RISK at all for
you to try my Baby Belly fat loss system. If you
aren’t thrilled with the speed at which you lose baby weight or the changes you
see in your body shape after following this program, let me know and I'll refund your order.
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, my
system has been used by hundreds of my own new mom clients and it works, and I guarantee it will
work for you too!
P.P.S. Remember by ordering “The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan’ you are not only getting a complete
dietary system, guaranteed to help you to
lose baby weight fast, gain tons more energy and some self respect back. But
you'll also receive a comprehensive 30 page fully illustrated exercise and activity manual which
guides you safely through the essential DO's and DON'TS of post pregnancy recovery
exercise. Finally you'll get all the bonuses worth
$134.93 TOTALLY FREE which also contain vital
information to promote a full and rapid recovery.
P.P.P.S. There’s one catch
however to my offer. I have put together this package to launch my system to the world, and I'm not
sure how long I am going to offer these bonuses for FREE, they sell individually for the
prices shown.
do need to act now to guarantee that you'll
receive the additional bonuses for this package, so place your order now so you don’t miss out on this great bonus
package deal!
NOTE: ‘The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan’ is a downloadable eBook
system. No physical products will be shipped. Immediately after placing your order you will have
instant access to download the eBooks to your own computer.
Click On The 'Order Now'
Button To Start Taking Control of Your

All these eBooks
can be instantly downloaded to your computer and are in adobe PDF format which can be viewed on
both Macs and PC’s
The Baby
Belly Fat Loss Plan has helped hundreds of new
moms to lose baby weight fast and it will work for you too, I guarantee it or you can
keep the program for FREE...I’ll return your money, it’s as simple as