Lose Baby Weight Fast - The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan

Your Body After Pregnancy – Take Action...You Can and Will Look Great Again

The body you had before compared to your body after pregnancy will have changed in a number of ways. You may have gained weight, more cellulite, stretch marks, less energy and low self confidence to name but a few.


There are also a number of internal changes that happen to you which will affect your every day life.


Your Pelvic floor muscles will be weak if you gave birth vaginally and simply MUST be exercised on a regular basis to bring them back to their pre baby strength. 


The hormones that allowed your baby to grow over the last nine months are potentially your enemy now.  Relaxin is this hormone and it allows connective tissue to become more flexible allowing for changes in body shape and posture.


This presents the problem of instable joints throughout the body, especially the pelvis and lower back. The muscles in these areas should be strengthened as soon as physically possible.


Relaxin levels stay elevated for at least six months after pregnancy so be cautious with the types of exercise you choose to do during this time.  Avoid activities that require too much dynamic stretching or rapid twisting and bending.


The changes you have seen over the past nine months are all reversible and you are equally well equipped with the ability to return to your pre pregnancy shape. Unless you have complications, there is no reason why you can’t improve and reshape your body after pregnancy to the shape and size it was before.


The challenges you now face are that you will have other priorities and demands upon your time which makes getting focused to lose pregnancy weight even more difficult.

If you want to look great after pregnancy or just be proud of the way you look, then take action NOW.

Prioritise your own health and well being so that you can be the best mum possible and face motherhood with confidence, energy and a glowing zest for life.

If you want to reclaim your body after pregnancy, lose baby weight, burn fat, tone up and fit in to your pre pregnancy clothes in just 8 weeks from now, I recommend you read every word of this next page - lose baby weight now