Lose Baby Weight Fast - The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan

Pelvic Floor Exercise – The Importance of Exercising the Pelvic Floor

Pelvic floor exercise is something that all women should practice immediately after pregnancy whether having given birth vaginally or via c section.  


During pregnancy and childbirth the pelvic floor muscles undergo enormous trauma and stretch to allow the baby to pass through which may cause damage, bruising and a weakening of the area.   


As a result the muscles can’t perform effectively which may lead to stress incontinence, decreased sensation during sex and possible prolapse.   


Stress incontinence is where a small amount of urine is leaked when coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising.  Up to 25 per cent of new mothers suffer from this.  Pelvic floor exercise helps strengthen these muscles so that they function effectively again.The more you use them, the stronger they will become. 


Pelvic Floor exercises are often referred to as Kegel’s, named after the creator of the concept Dr Arnold Kegel. Both descriptions refer to the same thing.   


The great thing about them is they can be done anytime. You won’t get sweaty doing them, they aren’t physically tiring and can be done standing up, sitting, lying down, or while carrying out a range of daily activities such as boiling a kettle, talking on the telephone or watching television.


Unfortunately it's surprisingly difficult to focus these exercises correctly. They're boring to do and most women simply give up trying long before any effect is achieved.

There are basically two different types of exercises. The first, known as ‘slow Kegels’ strengthens the muscles and increases the length of time you can consciously hold them. The second, ‘fast Kegels’ improves how quickly your pelvic floor tightens when you cough or sneeze for example.  


The exercises must be done regularly to see any noticeable benefit.  Try to use trigger points to remember when to do them such as when advertisements are shown on television, when traffic lights turn red etc.   


Be consistent, the benefits will sometimes take weeks to be fully noticeable, but persist because the relatively small amount of effort required is well worth the time they take.


The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan includes an entire eBook devoted to pelvic floor recovery and repair. Containing essential instructions on how to perform pelvic floor exercise and test pelvic floor strength plus other vital tips and advice.


If you want to lose baby weight, burn fat, tone up and fit in to your pre pregnancy clothes in just 8 weeks from now, I recommend you read every word of this next page -

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