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Postpartum back pain – How to Avoid it or Live With it

Postpartum back pain is something that most new mothers are likely to suffer from. The growing baby and the changes and stresses that places upon the body cause major postural adaptations.


Back pain can be worsened by the new demands placed upon a mother such as changing, carrying and feeding the baby where uncomfortable positions may have to be maintained for some time.


Picture of postpartum back pain Simple tasks such as carrying the baby’s equipment or simply fastening them in a car seat involve potentially painful bending and twisting movements.


Whilst lower back pain is something many new moms may have to live with for a while there are some things that can be done to firstly reduce the pain and secondly to strengthen the area: -

  • When bending down make sure you stand with your feet wide apart. Tilt the pelvis and bend the knees, keeping the back straight. Hold your tummy muscles in all the time. Try to keep your knees over your ankles and use your leg muscles to do the work, not the muscles of the lower back.
  • When lifting, stand as above but try to keep the object you are lifting close to your body, avoid lifting any heavy items.
  • When changing baby, use a flat surface at a comfortable height for you to be able to stand without stooping. Before you start, make sure you have all the items needed in front of you within easy reach so as to avoid any twisting or reaching.
  • When carrying shopping avoid discomfort in the lower back by distributing the weight evenly between both sides, stand tall with your stomach muscles pulled in and shoulders back.

Postpartum back pain can usually be improved by strengthening the muscles of the stomach and lower back. These exercises should be started the day after giving birth whether vaginally or via c section.


These should include a series of low intensity pelvic tilting movements done on a regular basis which help to both realign the stomach muscles and improve strength and stability to the whole core area.


If you have concerns about your lower back, you should be very cautious in the type of exercise you do, it is important to follow a specific post pregnancy weight loss programme to avoid any long term injuries.


Don’t ignore postpartum back pain, it won’t go away unless the muscles of the core are exercised regularly.


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