Lose Baby Weight Fast - The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan

What Are Pelvic Floor Muscles – The Basics

What Are Pelvic Floor Muscles


The pelvic floor muscles are internal muscles which aren’t visible either when relaxed or contracted. They form a broad sling of muscle between the legs stretching from side to side across the floor of the pelvis from the pubic bone in front to the coccyx, which is the base of your spine at the back. 


What are pelvic floor muscles diagramThe pelvic floor keeps all your internal organs, bladder, womb, bowel and uterus in place. The openings from your bladder (urethra), your bowels (rectum) and your womb (vagina) all pass through your pelvic floor. To keep the pelvic floor strong, you need to exercise it.

The Pelvic Floor is responsible for a number of things. It is used to control wind and when "holding on" with your bowels also supporting the bladder to help it stay closed and stop the flow of urine.


It has an important sexual function, helping to increase sexual awareness both for yourself and your partner during sex.  


It actively tenses when you cough or sneeze to help avoid any urine leakage. When the muscles are not working effectively you may suffer from a leaking bladder and an urgent or frequent need to pass urine which is termed as urinary incontinence.


The consequences of weakened pelvic floor muscles may include urinary or bowel incontinence. Both of which can be helped by therapeutic strengthening of these muscles.


Strong pelvic floor muscles can support the extra weight of pregnancy, help in the second stage of labour and, by increasing your circulation, assist in healing the perineum between the anus and vagina after birth.   

These muscles can become weaker for a number of reasons including pregnancy, childbirth, ageing and being overweight.

Pelvic floor or Kegel exercises as they often called help to regain pelvic floor muscle strength and endurance.  When done regularly, these exercises can help to prevent stress incontinence and possibly prolapse in later life. 

The Baby Belly Fat Loss Plan includes an entire eBook devoted to pelvic floor recovery and repair. Containing illustrations and a full description showing exactly 'what are pelvic floor muscles', simple instructions on how to perform specific exercises and test pelvic floor strength plus other essential tips and advice.


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